

The SustainRT Blog is edited and moderated by the Outreach Committee.

You are invited to contribute content for the blog by filling out the outreach request form. This form can be used to request advertisement for a particular event, or to contribute a blog post you’ve created. If you would like the SustainRT Blog to advertise a particular event, please fill out all relevant fields on the outreach request form. If you are contributing a blog post, please use the Title and “Long Description” fields. Blog post submissions should be 500-1000 words in length and should be on a topic related to sustainability in libraries. Please include a short biography (100-250 words), including your credentials, in the “Any other comments/directions” field.

The editors are especially interested in these types of articles:

  • What’s happening with sustainability at your library?
  • New publications, projects, websites etc.. related to libraries and sustainability
  • Reviews of books, documents and articles related to the mission of SustainRT
  • Announcements of events, calls for papers, etc..
  • Conference reports
  • The moderators solicit candidate statements for ALA elections

Submitting a suggestion, or content, does not guarantee publication. SustainRT reserves the right to review submissions to determine if they are appropriate for publication on the blog.