Webinar Opportunity: Universities & Municipalities: Working Together for Sustainable and Just Futures

Please consider attending the following webinar on May 19th, 2022, at 2:30pm EST: “Universities & Municipalities: Working Together for Sustainable & Just Futures” presented by Colleen Murphy-Dunning of Yale University’s Urban Resources Initiative and Hixon Center for Urban Ecology

Colleen Murphy-Dunning is the Program Director at the Urban Resources Initiative (URI), a not-for-profit university partnership based at the Hixon Center for Urban Ecology, and a Lecturer in Urban and Community Forestry at the Yale School of the Environment. Faculty, staff, and students can significantly contribute to local environmental conditions. The Urban Resources Initiative (URI) at the Yale School of the Environment has worked in close partnership with the City of New Haven and New Haven residents to address local environmental concerns that they have identified. Colleen will describe some of URI’s projects to address community-led environmental priorities and offer Yale students’ valuable learning opportunities.

Register here for this webinar!

Webinar: Carbon Neutral Event Planning and the Role of Carbon Offsets

Photo by Athena from Pexels

Jenna Pugliese, Director of Client Strategy at Native, a Public Benefit Corporation and ALA’s conference carbon offset provider since January 2020, will provide an overview of the challenges and opportunities in aiming for carbon neutral events and the role that carbon offsets can play in moving organizations like ALA toward that goal (while recognizing that carbon offsets have their own challenges). This webinar topic is timely with the ALA 2021 Annual Conference Council adoption of the Resolution to Achieve Carbon Neutrality for ALA Conferences.

This webinar will take place on October 13th, 2021, at 1pm EST. To register, click here!

Webinar: Cultivating Sustainable Community in an Academic Library

The University of Denver Libraries Sustainability Committee is committed to working toward a more just and sustainable future. We have focused our efforts on educational outreach, modeling sustainability best practices, and building community within the library, as well as with the greater campus community, and often in partnership with the Center for Sustainability. In this presentation, we’ll discuss some of our successful initiatives, such as Zero Waste Finals, and outline some of the challenges we’ve encountered and lessons learned, especially as we have adapted our work during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Interested in attending this webinar on June 22nd 11am MT? Sign up here!