The following are CSK Blog Guidelines. Bloggers are expected to be aware of these guidelines before submitting their posts.
Policies and Procedures
- Blog Administrators(s): Blog Administrator(s) will be responsible for overall blog administration, content, and tone. Administrator(s) will be members of the CSK Technology Committee or members of the CSK Executive Committee.
- Bloggers: All bloggers are expected to be members of The CSK Book Awards Committee. Exceptions are CSK Award winners, who are encouraged to contribute posts.
- Blog Content: The Blog Administrator(s) with direction from the CSK Executive Committee may suggest topics appropriate for blogging. Committee chairs and CSK members may also submit topic ideas to the Blog Administrator(s) for consideration.
- Blog Posts: All posts will follow the stated mission. Posts are normally between 250 and 500 words. Care should be taken so that guest posts are not interpreted as advertisements for any products, services or websites. All books published in the year that they are eligible for the CSK Book Awards cannot be reviewed on the CSK Blog until after the Youth Media Awards announcement during ALA Midwinter. Guest bloggers are asked to supply contact information (1 or 2 sentences) in a brief biographical piece at the end of their post. No individual is guaranteed a blog post; individuals seeking to guest post will be evaluated and accepted by the blog administrator(s) and the editorial board based on the relevancy and value offered to members.
- Acceptable Use: The blog is an CSK-sponsored tool for outreach to the membership and to reach others beyond the committee. Bloggers are expected to check facts, cite sources, present balanced views, acknowledge and correct errors, and check spelling and grammar before posting. Links to related posts are encouraged, and bloggers should post original content rather than merely re-posting entire items from other blogs, lists, newsletters, etc.
- Comments: Comments are open to all and will be moderated by the Blog Administrator(s). Commentary, opinion, and reaction to posts are welcome. Comments should be relevant to the specific post to which they refer. The Administrator(s) reserve the right to remove, or not to post, comments unrelated to the mission of the blog. Spam, flaming, personal attacks, and off-topic comments are not permitted.
- Links: Links to CSK and other ALA-affiliated web sites and blogs will be provided. Other links to notable Web sites or blogs may be added if the consensus is that they would be useful to readers.
- Copyright: Content on this blog is governed by a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.
- Photos: Guest posts are encouraged to include images (please consult the Blog Photo Guidelines)* and links to relevant information produced and published elsewhere.
- Disclaimer: Guest bloggers should be aware that their posts do not represent the official position of the CSK Book Awards Committee. The blog administrator(s) and/or the staff liaison have the right to not post or remove any post by a guest blogger which compromises the integrity of ALA/EMIERT (please note the ALA Bill of Rights and the ALA Code of Ethics) or sacrifices objectivity in regards to its awards.
*The CSK Blog Administrators are adhering to the ALSC Blog Photo Guidelines at this time.