Beginning in April 2017, “American Libraries” magazine has been publishing an excellent series of online articles on the theme Sustainability in Libraries.
Take a look at the thought provoking articles that have been published so far in this series:
- Libraries & Sustainable Thinking, April 20, 2017).
- Sustainability’s Community of Practice, May 10, 2017).
- Sustainability on the Other Side of the Stacks, Amy Brunvand (May 22, 2017).
- Strengthening the Voice for Sustainability, Kellie Sparks (May 31, 2017).
Triple Bottom Line Sustainability, Gary Shaffer (June 15, 2017). - Sustainability in Public Libraries, Arlene Hopkins and Stephen Maack (June 23, 2017).
- Degrowth Is Coming, Edgardo Civallero (August 4, 2017).
- Campus Sustainability through Information Literacy, Raymond Pun (September 12, 2017).