What does sustainability have to do with libraries? Why is sustainability an ALA Core Value? Why does ALA have a Sustainability Round Table? To answer these questions, we are hosting a “101” on sustainability at the LibLearnX Conference. In this 15-20 minute “shop talk” session, we’ll dig into the “triple bottom line” of sustainability to uncover why practices and decisions that are socially equitable and environmentally sound and economically feasible are in line with many library and community values.
Author: sustainrtblog
Member Monday: Mandi Goodsett
Welcome to Member Mondays! The first Monday of each month, we’ll feature a member of SustainRT with a short profile.
We’re super excited to continue our series with this profile of Mandi Goodsett, Performing Arts & Humanities / Open Education & Copyright Librarian at Cleveland State University. All SustainRT members are welcomed and encouraged to follow Mandi’s example and fill out our short self-nomination form in order to become featured in a future Member Monday themselves. We’re looking forward to getting to know one another a little better in hopes of strengthening our community of people committed to sustainability in our profession. Happy Member Monday!
Member Monday: Beth South
Welcome to Member Mondays! The first Monday of each month, we’ll feature a member of SustainRT with a short profile.
We’re super excited to continue our series with this profile of Beth South, Assistant Librarian of Access & Tech Services/Archivist at Indiana University East in Richmond, IN. All SustainRT members are welcomed and encouraged to follow Beth’s example and fill out our short self-nomination form in order to become featured in a future Member Monday themselves. We’re looking forward to getting to know one another a little better in hopes of strengthening our community of people committed to sustainability in our profession. Happy Member Monday!
Webinar: Carbon Neutral Event Planning and the Role of Carbon Offsets
Jenna Pugliese, Director of Client Strategy at Native, a Public Benefit Corporation and ALA’s conference carbon offset provider since January 2020, will provide an overview of the challenges and opportunities in aiming for carbon neutral events and the role that carbon offsets can play in moving organizations like ALA toward that goal (while recognizing that carbon offsets have their own challenges). This webinar topic is timely with the ALA 2021 Annual Conference Council adoption of the Resolution to Achieve Carbon Neutrality for ALA Conferences.
This webinar will take place on October 13th, 2021, at 1pm EST. To register, click here!
Member Monday: Jennifer Ferriss
Welcome to Member Mondays! The first Monday of each month, we’ll feature a member of SustainRT with a short profile.
We’re super excited to continue our series with this profile of Jennifer Ferriss, Head of Circulation and Technical Services at Saratoga Springs Public Library. All SustainRT members are welcomed and encouraged to follow Jennifer’s example and fill out our short self-nomination form in order to become featured in a future Member Monday themselves. We’re looking forward to getting to know one another a little better in hopes of strengthening our community of people committed to sustainability in our profession. Happy Member Monday!
SustainRT Leaders Wanted!
SustainRT is seeking nominees to stand for Spring 2022 election for the roles of Coordinator-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Councilor, and Member-at-Large (see position descriptions below). If you see a sustainable future with libraries leading the way, a leadership position in SustainRT offers a remarkable way for you to realize that vision. As the fastest growing roundtable in ALA, SustainRT is a dynamic organization with multiple initiatives in progress as part of a strategic plan that challenges and supports ALA, our profession, our own libraries, and ourselves to live and work in more sustainable ways. Can you picture yourself helping to shepherd this work along? Nominees must complete and submit a nomination form by December 1st, 2021. Contact Past-Coordinator Casey Conlin for the nomination form link, details, and any questions: cconlin@midhudson.org
The Coordinator-elect will be elected for a three-year term and serves one year of that term as Coordinator-elect, one year as Coordinator, and one year as Immediate Past Coordinator. The Coordinator-elect shall appoint the chair of each standing committee and members to fill vacancies in such committees for terms beginning their year as Coordinator, except the Nominating Committee. The Coordinator-elect is expected to attend at least the ALA Annual Conference. The following year, as Coordinator, duties will include leading and convening monthly Steering Committee meetings and working towards completing goals identified in the SustainRT strategic plan. The Past-coordinator, will be expected to convene the nominating committee to find candidates for upcoming leadership positions, and maintain and update procedure documentation relevant to SustainRT’s work.
The Secretary will be elected for a two-year term, attend monthly SustainRT Steering Committee Meetings, and shall be responsible for the general correspondence of the SustainRT and the minutes of Steering Committee and general membership meetings. The Secretary, coordinating with the ALA staff liaison, shall arrange for preservation of the SustainRT archives via ALA Connect or its successor technology. The Secretary shall be eligible for election to a second consecutive term. The Secretary is expected to attend both ALA conferences (if membership meeting planned) including Annual conferences in order to record the minutes of the general membership meeting.
The Treasurer will be elected for a two-year term, attend monthly SustainRT Steering Committee Meetings, and shall review and approve all expenses, coordinating with the ALA staff liaison, and prepare reports and a proposed budget for each fiscal year. The Treasurer shall be eligible for election to a second consecutive term. The Treasurer is expected to attend both ALA Midwinter and Annual Conferences in order to attend ALA fiscal and budget assembly meetings as needed. The Treasurer will serve as Liaison between the Steering Committee and the Membership Committee, handle all reimbursements for SustainRT incurred expenses.
The Councilor will be elected for a three-year term and attend monthly SustainRT Steering Committee Meetings. The SustainRT Councilor shall serve as the SustainRT representative to the ALA Council. The SustainRT Councilor is expected to attend both ALA Midwinter and Annual conferences in order to attend ALA Council meetings to represent SustainRT. The Councilor will srves as Liaison between the Steering Committee and a SustainRT committee. The SustainRT Councilor attends all ALA Council meetings during the ALA conferences (Council I, Council II, and Council III) and keeps SustainRT informed of Council actions. The SustainRT Councilor is a voting member of ALA Council and speaks on behalf of SustainRT on the council floor, makes motions, and proposes and submits resolutions.
The Member-at-Large position is a two-year commitment, including attending monthly SustainRT Steering Committee Meetings. The Member-at-Large will serve as liaison between the Steering Committee and a SustainRT committee, and work on special projects as assigned by the Steering Committee or the Coordinator. Members at Large are expected to attend either the ALA Midwinter conference or the ALA Annual Conference.
Climate Stories Project
Climate Stories Project (CSP) is an artistic and educational climate change communications forum that collects and shares personal stories about the changing climate in order to promote an equitable and effective response to the climate crisis through storytelling, engaged communication, education, and creativity.
We offer workshops to schools, libraries, government organizations, and other institutions where participants take steps to harness the power of storytelling to engage with climate change. CSP also offers a free online Climate Stories Ambassadors program where participants receive training in climate storytelling and interviewing. Participants also connect to other Climate Stories Ambassadors from around the world.
Please visit our website to listen to climate stories, submit your own story, and to learn more about our workshops and the Climate Stories Ambassadors program. https://www.climatestoriesproject.org/
Member Monday: Eric Tans
Welcome to Member Mondays! The first Monday of each month, we’ll feature a member of SustainRT with a short profile.
We’re super excited to continue our series with this profile of Eric Tans, Science Coordinator and Environmental Sciences Librarian at Michigan State University. All SustainRT members are welcomed and encouraged to follow Eric’s example and fill out our short self-nomination form in order to become featured in a future Member Monday themselves. We’re looking forward to getting to know one another a little better in hopes of strengthening our community of people committed to sustainability in our profession. Happy Member Monday!
Join the SustainRT Mentorship Program!
SustainRT welcomes you to apply to be a mentor or mentee in our annual mentorship program, with the goal to connect LIS students/SustainRT members within their first 3 years of professional work (mentees) with SustainRT members with 3+ years of library experience (mentors) to build community, learn together and support growth on sustainability in libraries. See the program description for more information and apply here.
Member Monday: Kate Wingate
Welcome to Member Mondays! The first Monday of each month, we’ll feature a member of SustainRT with a short profile.
We’re super excited to continue our series with this profile of Kate Wingate, Circulation Assistant at Nashville Public Library. In addition to reading Kate’s profile, below, she says “I would love to hear from you! Anyone out there who has successfully started a sustainability committee, especially in a larger city library system, please hit me up! kate.wingate [at] nashville.gov
All SustainRT members are welcomed and encouraged to follow Kate’s example and fill out our short self-nomination form in order to become featured in a future Member Monday themselves. We’re looking forward to getting to know one another a little better in hopes of strengthening our community of people committed to sustainability in our profession. Happy Member Monday!